“More Memory Man” is an extraordinary, full-length routine that can be performed with a borrowed, shuffled deck. You apparently memorize an entire deck, yet there is no real memory trick required. Instead, Joel has combined six diabolical and little-known methods: working ahead, forces, glimpses, peeks, and more, and the result is a completely believable, deceptive routine with a pack of cards.
The filming was done on the fly at Fechter’s Invitational Convention. The atmosphere is bare-bones and relaxed. But at Vanishing Inc, it’s the content that concerns us, not flashy trailers. Look through the stripped-down production values and witness what is, we believe, one of the finest card effects we have ever seen, and possibly the finest we have EVER released.
That’s high praise indeed, and deservedly so. Just ten dollars.
Running time: 14 minutes, 45 seconds.


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